Sunday, July 15, 2012

Modern Baby Burp Cloths

It should come to no surprise that any and all inspiration to do anything crafty would be related to baby stuff.  And since babies need just about everything under the sun I figured I'd get cracking making as much as possible before baby gets here and demands all of my undivided attention.  Yup babies are soooo needy!

I've already focused my crazy couponing on buying diapers, diaper cream, wipes, as well as obtaining the cloth diapers from a friend.  I'll soon be making clothes, baby shoes, diaper bags, and the list goes on.  But I'll save that discussion for another day.  Today is all about fancy looking burp clothes.  I've seen several ways to makes these from but this one I came up with myself that seemed the simplest.

Most of the pinners on the DYI boards suggested buying some sort of soft cottony cloth like chenille to go on the burping side.  But I could not find such a cloth.   And not to mention its a bit expensive per yard anyway and I'm trying to be, well, frugal.  Next was to find the most cheapest durable white fabric I could find, which came to about $7.99 per yard.  Close but no cigar!  So I opted for purchasing Gerber plain white burp clothes/multi-use diaper cloth at Walmart.  The 10 pack was about $12.50!  Now we're talkin'!

The gorgeous fabric can be found just about anywhere now.  I wanted to buy some from but I'm too impatient for all of that.  So luckily Hobby Lobby had some designer fabric on sale for $6.99 per yard at 30% off which comes to about $4.99 a yard.  You can get about 2 finish burp cloths per yard.  I found that Fat Quarters gave me closest size to the white cloth and since they come in bundles they are usually super cheap.  This makes this project inexpensive but still cute!

So I lined up the fancy fabric of choice with the white cloth so they are the same size.  I'm in love with Amy Butler Designs-by-the-way.  The good side is in toward the cloth so when I sew them together they are back-to-back.  Pin around the edges so that while you sew the fabric doesn't move on you.  Now you are ready to do the fun stuff.

 Sew the edges together but be sure to leave a small corner un-sewn  with a "hole" so that you can flip the fabric inside  out.  I never remember to cut the corners to avoid bulky corners on the edges but I'm a novice seamstress so there you go!

Once you are done, push the fabric inside out through the hole you left on one side. 

One side will have the white cloth, the other side will have the fabric. 

Iron around the edges so they are flat.  This will reduce bunching when you sew around the edges again for that finished look.

Reenforce by sewing the edges one more time, keeping in mind you need to sew the hole up.

Now finish it off by flipping it over and sewing down the already made folds in the cloth to help keep the fabric and the cloth from shifting shape between washes.

And there you have it folks!  Fancy and modern burp clothes without the fancy price!


  1. Cute! How much would you say this saved?

  2. I really like the fabric you used and I'll bet you saved quite a bit. But more importantly you know just how good the quality is.

  3. I love that you are making things for the baby! I am SO excited that 24 hours from now you will be here and we will start the next day! Can't wait to see you!

  4. Not sure if I saved a whole lot but they are still super cute.
